In 2024, we hope you will support the NAACP’s Contract for America.

Below are four key areas of our work for this year — which resonates most with you?

NAACP’s Contract for America:

  • Education: Ensure every student in need receives a quality public education that prepares him or her to be a contributing member of a democracy.

  • Criminal Justice: Create sweeping police reform–federal legislation mandating a zero-tolerance approach in penalizing and/or prosecuting police officers who kill unarmed, non-violent, and non-resisting individuals in an arrest.

  • Healthcare: Ensure quality affordable health care for all people.

  • Economic Development: Address the challenging economic realities facing our communities including poverty, lack of jobs and disproportionate high unemployment, lack of affordable housing, foreclosures, etc.

    Invest in the critical work under way by making a donation and encourage your networks to also support the NAACP's movement to build political power and ensure the wellbeing of our communities.