Pushing #Forward to eradicate racism.

Advocacy has one direction, forward. To see the changes our communities deserve, we’re pushing forward with strategic thinking, planning, organizing, policymaking, and accountability to ensure that Black lives are a priority in all spaces. Join the NAACP in dismantling racism by utilizing your power to take action on pressing issues that affect the Black community.

Black America Policy Recommendations for Biden-Harris Administration

As the nation calls for an end to structural disparities, the federal government has a duty to examine its own house to determine how it still perpetuates and fosters institutional racism.

During the first 100 days, we recommend the Biden-Harris administration implement policies in racial equity, economic empowerment, education, environmental climate justice, health and wellbeing, reconstructing criminal justice, and voting rights and election reform.

Our recommendations include:

  • Canceling Student Debt. President Biden should direct the Secretary of Education to cancel all student debt.

  • Removing Police From Schools and Restrict the Role of Law Enforcement in Schools. President Biden should call for the reallocation of funding for school resource officers to intervention and restorative supports for children.

  • Guaranteeing Health Care For All. President Biden should call for a guarantee of health care for all in his first Budget proposal.

  • Addressing Racial Violence by Police and Impose National Accountability Standards. President Biden should call on the Attorney General to prohibit federal grants to police agencies without the policies, training, and databases in place.

Read more about our policy recommendations.